Friday, June 25, 2010

This blog is illegal in China. So...

Allow me to introduce my ghost writers.

A few weeks ago I was thinking about how Google is not exactly best friends with China anymore and I was worried about accessing my email. The good news is that my email should usually be accessible (I got a Yahoo account as a back-up) but the bad news is that I forgot Blogger (our lovely host at this very moment) is blocked in China.

As Scooby Doo would say, “Ruh-roh, Shaggy."

I say that hippy needs to stop smoking so many drugs that he thinks the dog can talk to him.

I immediately panicked and cried for about an hour after my Google is dead to China revelation. But then I realized that if I could access my email then I could just type these up and send them home to be posted. However, who could I trust to handle this most vital of tasks?

You need to understand that I have mild, self and student diagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder. I like things to be a certain way and it hurts my soul when they are not.

We were given several books at the AP summer institute I’m currently attending and, of course, I have mine stacked in a very specific way that pleases me greatly. However, I’m sitting at the front of the class and whenever the instructor needs to reference one of the books he’ll grab mine and totally mess up the pile. What makes you think that McKay’s “A History of Western Society” textbook goes on top of my workshop handbook and Marzano “Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading” book? He’s a great guy but if he moves my books again then I will have to end him.


I called my dad and asked him to be my ghost writer. I phrased it in a slightly more inappropriate way so we spent most of the conversation agreeing on an official title. Essentially, the old man will be copying and pasting my blog posts from email to Blogger. He’ll also be updating the Twitter and Facebook feeds that announce new posts and such.

My mom thinks I didn’t want her help but I’ve been trying to make it clear that she’s the quality control. I trust her to watch the old man, make sure he doesn’t mess up, and prevent him from turning my blog into a Twilight fan page.

I made a picture of my ghost blogger.

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